Derek Simmons
2005-03-21 06:33:44 UTC
Pardon my posting but I'm trying to get in touch with Kevin Brace. He use to
but not recently posted to these news groups. In his signature he asked that
if you wanted to get in touch with him, to not EMailo him but respond to the
news groups.
Kevin, you once offered to send someone data sheets and documents from
3dfx's website before it went down. I was hoping you would be willing to
send them to me. You also describe having other graphics chip manufacturers
information and data sheets. I'm also looking for technical information and
data sheets for TSENG's ET6000, ET6100 and ET6300. I was wondering if you
had any of them also.
Derek Simmons
but not recently posted to these news groups. In his signature he asked that
if you wanted to get in touch with him, to not EMailo him but respond to the
news groups.
Kevin, you once offered to send someone data sheets and documents from
3dfx's website before it went down. I was hoping you would be willing to
send them to me. You also describe having other graphics chip manufacturers
information and data sheets. I'm also looking for technical information and
data sheets for TSENG's ET6000, ET6100 and ET6300. I was wondering if you
had any of them also.
Derek Simmons