Post by KoustavOn Jun 18, 4:42 pm, "Alvin Andries"
Post by Alvin AndriesPost by KoustavHello everybody,
I wanted to a transient power analysis on
designs at cell/gate level. I have synthesized the netlist by cadence
buildgates. I was wondering if synopsis PrimePower could be used for
this. I do have the 90nm technology files (.tlf and .def).
Also since synopsis tools accept .lib format for
technolgy files, is there a way I could convert the .tlf into .lib
For a detailed power analysis, you'll need extracted parasitics to begin
with. This will allow you to do a gatelevel simulation with timing. Also,
power estimations of the gate will be more precise. As you've already
mentioned, PrimePower requires the .lib or .db (= compiled .lib) files for
your logic cells. The best source for these is your silicon vendor.
Hello Alvin,
Thanks a lot for your advice. I was thinking of using
wire_load_models in my estimation
rather actual actual extractions of parasitic from the layout
(backannotating the vcd with sdf etc). I am targeting gate sizing on
the synthesized netlist and so dont want different routing decisions
to nullify my optimization.
and besides save a lot of time for PnR as well. What do you suggest?
Not using extracted parasitics means that you'll be way off for any
technology of 0.35um and smaller. With such a bad starting point, there's no
need to even start the exercise: you may make things worse.
I don't know the Cadence toos, but synopsys has some switches such that the
incremental synthesis would only do resizing. This would preserve your
So the proposed flow is:
o RTL -> gates
o gates -> placed gates (if going from RTL to placed gates with architecture
tradeoff is available, use it --> SNPS PC <= 2004.12, SNPS DC-t)
o power optimiziation 1 (create sensible simulation data first), this will
alter gates (and some clock gating if applicable) (use a quick route for
extracting parasitics or use global routing estimations generated by the
synthesis tool)
o CTS, route, scan insertion
o enable low leakage cells (if available) and power compile using resize
only (extracted
o hold fixing
o route cleanup
o timing sign-off